Swat away the flies on your faces, kiddies. A Christmas Story Marathon on TNT is coming.
There’s just something about that damn movie that switches off a part of my brain and forces me to lie comatose on the couch in awe. I’m barely able to move except to lift my hand to place junk food in my mouth. Even if it’s just on in the background, there’s something comforting about knowing that I could come in at any time and not miss a beat.
Which got me thinking. What are some other movies that have this strange power over me? They’re almost always embarrassing and are probably something that no heterosexual, adult male should be watching, but dammit, I’m human and I can’t help it. Let’s see what we have.
(Note: These are movies that I only get sucked into on TV and not something that I would willingly insert into my DVD player and watch. That’s why there’s no Billy Madison, Point Break, Road House or Half Baked. I could watch those over and over, but I would do it of my own accord.)
#1 – Grease
Yeah. I know. Here are my testicles. No, just go ahead and take them. Because once this movie comes on, I really have no use for them anyway. In my defense, I think I actually have a genetic predisposition to this movie. There are certain amino acids attached to at least two of my chromosomes that force me to sit down and stare at this movie. I was literally born to hand jive. I could take medicine to suppress it, but, being a devout Scientologist, I think drugs are dumb and evil. Just like that dirty whore, ChaCha DiGregorio.
#2 – Grease 2
Well, I have no excuse for this one. Seriously, just skip to the next one. In fact, forget I even mentioned it.
Although if you’re ever captured by radical Islamic terrorists and forced to watch this as some sort of hideous torture, check out the song called “Reproduction.” I think it’s about doin’ it, but I'm not sure. It’s so hilariously stupid, that it’s somehow enjoyable. Don’t ask me how. Just listen to lyrics like this, laugh and spit in that dirty Un-American terrorist’s face.
Reproduction, reproduction!
Put your pollen tube to work.
Reproduction, reproduction!
Make my stamen go berserk.
I don't think they even know what a pistil is!
I got your pistil right here...
Where does the pollen go?
Um, yeah. I’m pretty much going to make “I got your pistil right here.” my new catchphrase. And “Make my stamen go berserk” could easily become my new favorite pick-up line.
#3 – Drumline
Damn you, Nick Cannon. Why must you be so chocolately awesome? Your drumbeats and cadences hypnotize me into thinking that I absolutely have to watch this movie until the very end. I just can’t miss the surprise appearance by Petey Pablo during the Morris Brown performance at the BET Classic (which is SO totally something that those Morris Brown punks would pull. I hate them so.)
In fact, my love for this movie has pretty much made me decide that I want to attend this year’s BET Classic at the Georgia Dome. I should probably brush up on my Stepping beforehand though, just in case someone tries to call me out for having no rhythm. Then I’d be all like “Oh yeah. Watch this. Hoo-Rah!” (stomp! stomp! step. slide. stomp! jiggy. pivot. slide. stomp!!)
And then they’d be all like “Damn, white boy. You a’ight. You wanna join our squad?”
And I’d be all like “Word? Um, I mean…yeah.”
Anybody have any others they can think of? Or maybe you just want to let me know what a dork I am. Well, I have one thing to say to that…
I got your pistil right here.
I read this yesterday...
"The Cleveland, Ohio house occupied by the Parker family in the 1983 film "A Christmas Story" will open for guided tours beginning November 25."
A Christmas Story House Tours, Museum and Lady's Leg Lamp - Roadside America
An early christmas gift from fellow Atlblogger.
Looks like I have to let my family know I'll be in Cleveland this Christmas.
LLOL! I somehow always get stuck watching Uptown Girls which stars the scary adult like Dakota Fanning.
O Brother Where Art Thou is one that has that effect on me .. I've probably seen it 15 times, and could easily watch it 15 more
As you stated - I shouldn't admit this. And, it disgusts my wife - I have to watch "Legally Blond" if it is on. I once missed a weding because of it. Not really, but I would... if the wedding were going to pale in comparrison to "Legally Blond". Which, let's face it, they all do.
there used to be this movie that came on HBO three times a day in college - i don't remember what it was called, but it had bill bellamy and bridget wilson in it, among others (talk about a motley crew). i want to say it was, "love stinks." do you know what i'm talking about? ok, i have no balls either....anyway, i never saw it all the way through, but i feel like i've seen every scene 400 times.
"Legally Blonde," Grizz? Try "Cadet Kelly" or "Eddie's Million Dollar Cook Off." Anything Disney Channel. "Even Stevens Movie." As for me, the only ones that would really keep me from being able to function in a normal manner would be maybe "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," "Saturday Night Fever," "Dirty Dancing," or "Footloose." But who could resist any of those?
Thanks for the help in this question. I did not know it.
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